Update on Jan 21, 2015
Sir, may I update java version 7 to dev server http://ec2-54-163-117-179.compute-1.amazonaws.com/and Install IBController, TWS run IBControllerStart.sh with defaule configuration?

I have Installed Interactive Brokers Trader Workstation and download the IBController distribution ZIP file in my local windows machine.Sir may I try to receive data in my local window machine?
Update on Jan 12, 2015
What I have understood.
--I have to receive input feed from website using C++ API, processing data and then sent to AFTP
--taking about 1.5 mins per user to update. I have to determine where the bulk of this time is spent.--portfolio_tracker.pl has been written in perl, we have to rewrite using ruby.--Currently for Backtest, Forecast graph made using the Cartesian Coordinate from 1CEG.pdb file.--I have understood how to use(call) C++ routine(here pcr_simulation_layer.cpp, pcr_control_layer.cpp) from ruby(model_api.rb).

My questiona) development of an rb class for real-time data feeds (in style of ModelApi)
b) development of a external image arrow-10x10.png data feed layer (rb interface)
c) development of a external image arrow-10x10.png data feed layer in C++
d) calling simplest C++ IB sample app functions for getting quotes on any securities through rb interface wrappers and reading output on website
note that the current sample app for C++ does not include getting quotes - only placing and canceling orders (external image arrow-10x10.png control layer, f). check windows api documentation and add

AS: 1. Here is the meaning of 'securities' is 'instrument'?
2. 'reading output on website note' using rb interface wrappers?

e) implementation of the above features (with same class/module architecture) in standalone rb/rails script where they will ultimately be used
f) implementation of updating positions on ib account in a external image arrow-10x10.png control layer (to be used on site when first tracking a model)
g) calling the functions from e) through the revised portfolio tracking script
h) *either continue to use FF factor data files from French's site (updating the file periodically w wget - check frequency, as well as tracking error of ETFs)* or write a rb script to sort portfolios using IB data

AS: Could not understand.
i) implementation of updating positions in sql tables through periodic rebalancing through ruby script calling R codes (currently not implemented in pl)
j) later, look into how to open managed accounts on IB through gateway/api - available for mutual funds and hedge funds, application required online

AS: Could not understand.
k) not necessary to start, but eventually w more users update portfolio values on a separate server only running that code. if necessary could use a batch server

There are three files under /home/app/bin/: 4BV3_4_no_Ex527.pdb, NAD+walker.lib and ligands_c-ligs001_4BV3_poses.mol2. Try to use mm-gbsa scripts to get MM-GBSA scores.
Hints: 1) make corrections to atom names in the pdb file for non-standard residues so they match with the topology files, e.g. convert NAD to NDP in NAD+walker.lib, ACE and NME in $AMBER/dat/leap/prep/amino12.in; 2) modify leaprc.dock.user to reflect corresponding change, use "loadoff NAD+walker.lib" to load the topology file for NDP, 3) keep track of all the error messages during each step of the runs.

Update on Jan 02, 2015
Studied configuration a TFTP Server for Linux
Studied pxelinux fileStudied Public IP and private IP

Update on Dec 30, 2014
I have read the 'New Features' wiki page and my task. I need 1-2 days to understand the code and structure of AFTP project.

Update on Dec 23, 2014
--I can do passwordless login from any user/server to any user/server.
--Studied firewall, iptables
--Studied chmod, user, group, other in detail
--Studied MM-GBSA scripts to write a summary of the content of the output files generated by the MM-GBSA scripts as RC Sir told over mail.

Update on Dec 18, 2014
AS(18/12): I have read mm-gbsa script so that I can modify as per requirement.
Tomorrow I will study on antechamber, parmchk etc

Update on Dec 11, 2014
AS(11/12): After doing slave001 server offline, python protein design code in running.I have used rajchak user. some file has been given full access permission. I will revert access permission after completing its execution.I have again configured passwordless ssh but still not able to login passwordless ssh for the user ashee. Earlier I configured and could logged in auto ssh for the user ashee.

Update on Dec 10, 2014
AS(10/12): mm-gbsa script is working and I updated workflow of mm-gbsa script in the wikispace of Software Development page.
Tonight I will work on python protein design code.
Update on Dec 05, 2014

Today I worked on mm-gbsa script.
I am debugging and solving the below error.
IndexError: list index out of range
I hope by next day I will be able to run mm-gbsa script.

Update on Dec 04, 2014

I ran Python protein design code using the command " python protein_design.py"

I correctly export path, install numpy and modified code for user ashee.

Currently I struct one problem describe below:-
qsub: Bad UID for job execution MSG=ruserok failed validating ashee/ashee from slave003.pmcresearch.com
qsub: Bad UID for job execution MSG=ruserok failed validating ashee/ashee from slave003.pmcresearch.com
qsub: Bad UID for job execution MSG=ruserok failed validating ashee/ashee from slave003.pmcresearch.com
qsub: Bad UID for job execution MSG=ruserok failed validating ashee/ashee from slave003.pmcresearch.com
qsub: Bad UID for job execution MSG=ruserok failed validating ashee/ashee from slave003.pmcresearch.com
qsub: Bad UID for job execution MSG=ruserok failed validating ashee/ashee from slave003.pmcresearch.com
I spent lot of time to solve it but could not find the solution.

I thought this is the problem of auto ssh from user 'ashee' server 'brahman' to 'slave003', then I tried to configure auto ssh but did not work.

Then I tried to executed from the user 'rajchak' but the error is same(auto ssh is happening from the user 'rajchak').
I also spent time to batch job but the problem is it is always in 'Q' state.

"Not Running - PBS Error: Execution server rejected request MSG=cannot send job to mom, state=PRERUN"
Next couple of days will work to solve these problem.


AS, I understand that you have been busy but there are some issues with progress that are important to mention:
- main issues: you have not shown sufficient progress toward being ready to start code development. in the course of a month or more, you have still not successfully tested either the python or the mm-gbsa codes. you need to take responsibility for meeting milestones. this is a requirement for this position. you need to be ready to start code dev within 1 week with all other tasks above completed.
- on system administration as well, i would like to see a list of what you have accomplished beyond what was already done prior to your joining the company, so we can see how well you have been able to bring closure to tasks

- it appears you did not try to log in to slave001 lately; you would have seen there are issues with that node that may be interfering with running batch jobs there. did you check the logs?
- slave003 issue was resolved by pl more than a week ago, but you didn't follow through and complete the task. you did not report on the specialftp testing
AS(3/12): Specialftp is working successfully.
- not an excuse that a node is temporarily inaccessible; progress needs to be made toward milestones regardless (you cannot stop working when you encounter a problem)
- do you know how to take nodes on/offline from pbs? slave001 can be taken offline from pbs and new nodes can be added until the issues with slave001 are resolved. use pbsnodes -o, -c .... (see documentation)

AS(2/12): I don't know how to take nodes on/offline from pbs.

- you did not analyze the problem with queuing of jobs and did not provide proposed solutions

AS(2/12): When I executing batch job it is always in 'Q' status showing. The problem is "Not Running - PBS Error: Execution server rejected request MSG=cannot send job to mom, state=PRERUN"

- i already successfully started matlab batch jobs on the cluster - only problem was with license
- you did not show progress on any other tasks in the meantime in an effort to meet deadlines
- what is "python issue"? i indicated how to run the python code through specific minor modifications to the code. as far as i saw, you did not reply or proceed.
AS(2/12): The problem of numpy has been solved.Modified in the code, given the correct input path for user ashee. Now the error occur after execution python program using the command "python protein_design.py"
qsub: Bad UID for job execution MSG=ruserok failed validating ashee/ashee from slave003.pmcresearch.com
Communication and cluster management responsibilities:
- as/pl: no one mentioned the problems with slave001 and slave004. slave004 may be down. You must take responsibility for maintenance of the cluster.
- if as needs to discuss more with pl you should make sure that you indicate this promptly to pl and make sure you get the answers you need asap

Update on Nov 19, 2014

1. I have edited the file rsyncd.conf section specialftp. I will test it tomorrow. (PL: Please report here the progress by 11/21.)
AS(11/21): I configured and edited the file /etc/rsyncd.conf for specialftp but can't test because I can't login to slave003 as a user ashee.When I was trying to log into slave003 server as root it is showing "do_ypcall: clnt_call: RPC: Unable to receive; errno = No route to hostYPBINDPROC_DOMAIN: Domain not bound"This is the problem of NIS server. looking into it.
2. Will test batch job. (PL: Please report the result and your solution to any identified problem here by 11/24.)
AS(23/11): I ran batch job using the command "qsub /home/rajchak/Simulation/job_w1-h9-f1-t400.ds"
Job submitted always queued I show using the command "qstat"

Job id Name User Time Use S Queue
------------------------- ---------------- --------------- -------- - -----
1614.brahman matlab rajchak 0 Q batch

3. Try to solve python related issue. (PL: Please report here any progress before next weekend.)
4. review mm-gbsa script.

PL(11/19/2014): The issue with python is updated on Software Development.
Today we talked about several tasks that AS should follow up, including specialftp, batch job, running python code, mm-gbsa script, etc. Please make a detailed task list and update your status or progress.
Please use root only for system administration task, and propose planed system level change before proceeding.
Try to find answers from Linux tutorial & manual & documents provided in the dropbox (some specific to CentOS) or google search the problems you run into. You will get familiar with the Linux as you read more and use more.

Update on Nov 18, 2014
In the server slave003 we can't installed latest python because CentOS version is 5.5 which is very old version. python 2.7 will not support in 5.5 CentOS. We need to install 6.4 or 6.3 of CentOS to by-default support 2.7 python. I installed numpy, screen using YUM in slave003.

Update on Oct 31, 2014
List of tasks I will be working next week:-
-Will run torque batch server successfully.
-Sudo permission to PL(done for ashee)
-Will read the system administration wiki page to check information is up-to-date.
RC: Please indicate which documents you have read so far from the dropbox folder at the bottom of the sysadmin page. Please make a complete list of what you have read before proceeding.
I would also like you to go through all sysadmin tasks on the wiki page. If you have any questions regarding a particular system administration task on the sysadmin wiki page, please post the question under that task.
As progress on the task is made, please update the page.
The files in dropbox should also be updated as needed.

RC: You did not reply to my question above yet.
AS(11/11):- I read the following documents from the dropbox:-
1. Servers_file,ftp,web.doc (for task of NIS, NFS, FTP)2. job_submission.doc (for task of PBS and MPI)3. Software Installation 3.doc(for the task YUM, Kickstart)

Below I have described what I have understood and done System Administrator job.Network Information System(NIS):-

NIS has to be known throughout the network to all machines on the network. NIS is a distributed database that provides a repository for storing information about hosts, users, and mailboxes in the UNIX environment. It was originally called YP (Yellow Pages). NIS is used to identify and locate objects and resources that are accessible on a network.

I am able to create account for new user and able to Sudo configure for users.

Network File System(NFS):-A distributed file system that enables users to access files and directories located on remote computers and treat those files and directories as if they were local. NFS is independent of machine types, operating systems, and network architectures.

I understand the meaning of the file /etc/exports and able to edit this file according to the requirement.Passwordless ssh has been done and some obsolete directory are deleted, some local directory are moved.I am confused to backup/remove of obsolete directory because I don't know which directory is obsolete.RC: You need to ask PL about this, he knows which directories are obsolete.I updated wiki at System Administration page.

Portable Batch System (PBS):-It is required for the scheduling of the jobs. It is a flexible batch queuing system. It operates on networked, multi-platform UNIX environments. OpenPBS consists of three primary components—a job server (pbs_server) handling basic queuing services such as creating and modifying a batch job and placing a job into execution when it’s scheduled to be run. The executor (pbs_mom) is the daemon that actually runs jobs. The job scheduler (pbs_sched) is another daemon. pbs_server and pbs_sched are run only on the front end node(server node), while pbs_mom is run on every node of the cluster that can run jobs, including the front end node(server).

I tested execution, monitoring and delete job in torque/PBS.

File Transfer Protocol(FTP):-
File Transfer Protocol, or FTP, is a protocol used for transferring files from one computer to another.
I used put, and get command to upload and download files from my local machine.
I am having problems when I used rsync with ftp.RC: You need to rsync to a specific ftp module, but you don't need to use the ftp command - just rsync command. the colons (:) need to be used correctly in the command syntax. I believe this is describedin the dropbox document on ftp.The priority on FTP is the specialftp module (see sysadmin pg).
Kickstart:- I have to study kickstart.

Sir, How to update files in dropbox?
RC: I will invite you to the dropbox folder when you are ready with edited doc files to upload. Please let me know when you are ready.
AS(13/11): I want to add below point in System Administration Summary and Tasks 9-6.docx file below NIS section

"Anytime you make a change (either updates to the Makefile, or changes to a database). For example, when you add a new user, or modify an existing user account, you should do the following. Without this, the changes will not be reflected to any of your NIS client.
# cd /var/yp
# make"

Update on Oct 30, 2014
When any torque script runs, the output file generate in the /var/spool/torque/spool/
There is no output file generated in the /var/spool/torque/spool/
Showing "Unable to copy file /var/spool/torque/spool/1590.br to my current directory" when I executing qstat -f 1590
looking into it.

RC (10-30): General comments on recent updates:
- Are you reading our cluster notes or just searching web for info? You will need to update our documents so please read them
E.g., it is not clear whether you read comments regarding ssl certification on sysadmin page, or the sudo comments and notes.

- It also appears you may not have carefully read the job.ds scripts initially, before writing new job submission scripts, since you did not notice that submit.sh submits various job.ds scripts (I concluded this since you mentioned
you would try to submit submit.sh with qsub command).

Please let me know.
AS: After execution of the commend below:-
./submit_mlab.sh -w 1 -h 1 -f 1 -t 1
I saw the result using the command qstat -f 1597------------------------------------------------------Unable to copy file /var/spool/torque/spool/1597.brahma.OU to [email protected]:/home/ashee/Simulation/matlab.o1597>>> error from copyHost key verificationfailed.lost connection>>> end error outputOutput retained on thathost in: /var/spool/torque/undelivered/1597.brahma.OU--------------------------------------------------------------
Then I use the command below:-ssh brahman "qsub /home/ashee/Simulation/job_w1-h1-f1-t1.ds"I got the the same result as above
I think torque is working successfully, but problem is in scp/ssh.
RC: You should test submitting job_w1-h9-f1-t400.ds using user rajchak. Check the output in /usr/local/share/master. You will note that there are issues with matlab. You should check with PL regarding the status of matlab licenses and the location of the current binary. You and PL should then update the software/licenses section of the sysadmin wiki with this information. RC: passwordless ssh for ashee as not been setup because ashee is a new user. as noted on the system administration page, passwordless ssh was set up for rajchak and some preliminary testing was done with rajchak afterthe cluster nfs reconfiguration.You should read the files in dropbox on these points since this was also a sysadmin task listed on the sysadmin wiki page to set it up for other users.You should first summarize on the sysadmin page of the wiki under that task your understanding of the procedure for setting up passwordless ssh, as described in dropbox (this involves making private and public keys and putting them in the right places). After you show your understanding you should then follow the procedure listed in that document for user ashee. You can compare to user rajchak, for whom passwordless ssh is already set up. Note that since /home is shared, .ssh directory is the same on all nodes.We have previously used keys of type rsa with ssh-keygen.

Update on Oct 27, 2014
From tomorrow I will work on torque batch server.

Update on Oct 29, 2014

Created account for Subrata
Tomorrow I will update some software using yum(emacs, screen)for this I will re-register RHN using the command rhn_register

RC: Please try to post general updates on tasks page and if there are specific comments on the status of sysadmin tasks please insert them under the appropriate sections below (not above).
Please reply to the points below within the next 1-2 days updating your progress or status on each point.
-you need to tell Subrata how to change his password with yppasswd - this was indicated in the NIS section below.
AS: I have told Subrata how to change his password with yppasswd
-there are many other outstanding tasks listed below and it was mentioned a couple of time on the tasks page that you should provide your status update regarding your reading of all of them so we can plan when each one will be addressed. Please do so.
-sudo permissions setup was also mentioned. Please comment on your plan for that.
AS: I edited /etc/sudoerr file using visudo command at slave003 server and give sudo permission for the user ashee. but when I edited /etc/sudoerr file at brahman.pmc-research.com,I could not Configured sudo Access for the user ashee.(https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux_OpenStack_Platform/2/html/Getting_Started_Guide/ch02s03.html)
-let us know when you have understood how the torque batch server works and are ready to test it.
AS: I have read torque/pbs batch server and understand how it works and understand the commands like qsub, qdel, qaler, qstat etc. Then I applied it in my small script. I copped all code from ~rajchak/Simulation to my directory and ran using the command qsub submit_mlab.sh, need to understand what is the output and where I can see the output, tomorrow will work on it.
RC: submit_mlab.sh is a shell script not a torque script. You cannot run it that way.
You should be studying job_mlab.ds, job_plop.ds, etc.

-let us know when you are ready to test MM-GBSA codes and protein design codes.
-please reply to the comments on the tasks pg regarding software installation on nodes supporting yum. emacs may first be installed on the dev server slave004 if it is not already there.
-comments regarding rhn_register are provided below and apply to brahman, slave001. please post regarding your understanding of next steps below those comments. you can spend 1 hr per day on this; please post thoroughly what you do.
AS: When I used rhn_register command error is showing "The SSL certificate failed verification"
PL(10/29): AS, you don't need to register RHN as you don't need to install new software on brahman and slave001. Install new software on dev server slave004 instead. Also, since brahman is the host for many service, it is best not to run jobs on brahman, use other nodes (slave003, slave004, etc.) instead.

<All the above should be moved to tasks page>

RC: Post on appropriate pages: code descriptions should be posted on software dev page

Update on Oct 21, 2014
Could you please give me the short description of the project/goal, what are the inputs, what will be the output of this project?
I have mailed to Ping Lin Sir to provide root password at brahman.pmc-research.com and credential of

Red-hat(https://www.redhat.com/wapps/sso/login.html?redirect=http%3A%2F%2Faccess.redhat.com%2Fmanagement)to re-register for RHN.

Update on Oct 20, 2014
I read the submit_mlab.sh script, job_mlab.ds files. I have understood little bit.

Sir, Could you please provide me the path of readme file and What would be the argument to pass to submit_mlab.sh?
I read the protein design definition.

-You should continue reading all the scripts and summarize your understanding on the wiki. There is no readme file for submit.sh since it is a small job submission script and many such scripts do not have readmes. The arguments can be found by either reading the code or just running the script without arguments, at which point it will tell you the arguments (as is the case with many shell scripts).
-The drug discovery scripts should also be read.
-After reading the scripts, you will then start testing them. You should specify on the wiki which ones you are testing at any given time. For testing job submission scripts, you should start by using job...ds scripts rather than submit...sh scripts since job...ds is the batch server script whereas submit....sh submits many different job...ds scripts. job....mlab uses matlab. Please review matlab licenses on the system admin page and with Ping Lin where needed. Note there is also a job_plop.ds script used by the protein design code. That does not use licenses. Before testing job submission scripts you should read the background information on torque/pbs documents on the system administration and associated dropbox folder and make sure you understand how the batch server works.

I want to install emacs editor at brahman.pmc-research.com as it is more convenient then vi editor, and want to install screen so that I can open and read multiple file in the different bash.

-Emacs is easy to install via yum and we use it on various servers. Please address points on the tasks list and system administration page with Ping Lin first. E.g., one of them deals with upgrading rhn packages that are used with yum on brahman (see yum section). That can be done as a priority before installing additional packages. There are also many other system administration tasks listed. You should be familiar with making and managing user accounts, e.g.
Please provide your status update on system administration tasks.
-In the meantime, you can log in to your account from any of the nodes (e.g., slave003 or 004, not just brahman) listed on the system administration pages. As you will see from the system admin page most of those do not use rhn (since they run centos) and you can use yum to install packages like emacs on those nodes (you can install these packages on slave003 or 004 whenever you like; slave004 is a development server, as indicated).
-Please also note that there are sudo tasks on the system admin page that will be useful for dealing with permissions. You should discuss with Ping who has the root password when needed. When you install emacs, you can provide all users with the same .emacs file so they can also use it conveniently without having to set up their own .emacs files.

Update on Oct 17, 2014

I gone through the backtest, foretest code to reading documentation/comments to understand the project. I have understood something but it would be better to understand if there is some document/comment above every function/module(Why this function is needed?), and if there is a readme.txt file it would be batter to understand the project to me.
RC: I believe you are referring only to the code on the cloud above. For these codes, doxygen documentation is supposed to have overall comments about code organization including schematics and the like. The homepage of the doxygen should have some overall information. You should ask Subrata to add more comments to the doxygen documentation where necessary. Please tell him in detail how the documentation could be improved.
For computational chemistry codes, we use flowcharts and comments within the code. For certain complex codes (esp in C++), we have separate readmes, and for others, you may need to develop these yourself.
Please let us know once you have started reading computational chemistry codes.

It is difficult to reading, debugging and coding in the server.It will take lot of time. How can I mount code from server to my local machine?

Update on Oct 16, 2014

I gone through Cloud Computing tutorial today.
I got private key from Anil and I am able to login Amazon Development Server.
I will go through the document/comments of backtest and foretest code to understand the flow.

Update on Oct 13, 2014
Today: Summary of the meting with RC and PL
At first work on System Administration related issue.
Then will work on Software Development Issue.
Will develop protein-design code using python.

Tomorrows Goal: Create account for pmc-at members in cluster computing amazon server. Then work on batch server.

First assignment:

1) Initial system administration tasks . A number of documents regarding the cluster configuration will be sent by RC: see page System Administration and associated links.

a) read notes under each of the system administration topics posted by RC. In particular check the tasks that have not yet been completed.
b) join academictrader wiki
c) make accounts for subrata, anil (other programmers in our development office) and xiangying, alok (us office); ping to help xiangying, alok choose passwords via yppasswd
d) set up the sudoers files for AS,PL,RC
e) prepare the FTP server directories with PL
f) kickstart protocol for CentOS and scripts - provide an example. Networking, etc could all be automatically set up with this script. Yum installations could automatically be done. Subsequently additional time would be saved in setting up new nodes.
g) run a torque batch job using the job submission script format of RC and MM-GBSA codes of PL. First read the submit_mlab.sh script in brahman.pmc-research.com:~rajchak/Simulation, job_mlab.ds and job_plop.ds in ~rajchak/Simulation/Protein/mcsapython/discretemcsa directories.
h) study the python codes in ~rajchak/Simulation/Protein/mcsapython/discretemcsa (see also software development page). We will be running them on the batch server shortly.
i) protocol for wiki postings: should make additional notes regarding progress on the tasks for making new accounts, connecting to ftp server, etc (in short, any routine sysadmin task that AS is assigned to do repeatedly). Notes should be added to appropriate files in dropbox Cluster folder and summaries of the most important points should be posted on appropriate wiki page (pmc-at).
cloud computing tasks:
i) meet to review with subrata, anil the layout of the amazon development server. obtain a private key with subrata's help for logging into development server. review git notes (see academictrader wiki) and review git installation on amazon server with subrata. review any permissions issues on amazon server with subrata.
j) review backtesting/forecasting code comments and doxygen documentation on amazon cloud server with subrata/anil and ask them for clarification

2) Here is short list of some of the other computational chemistry-related tasks:

a) reading existing codes (esp python scripts for protein design and perl/shell scripts for mm-gbsa calculations)
b) reading the academic wiki for status of development of protein design codes
c) management of the pbs batch server that is installed on the cluster with these and other scripts (this can be used with both protein design and mm-gbsa scripts above). First, reading the notes to be provided on the pbs configuration in our cluster.
d) explanation of the protocol by which pseudocode will be provided for the purpose of new code feature development
e) writing scripts for mm-gbsa calculations, as per pseudocode, that can be run on multiple nodes
f) reading the development standards (this is on another wiki for the decyded project and will be made available.).
g) setting a schedule for meetings.

PL(10/13): The slides about the steps for drug discovery at PMC-AT and brief description of the codes for MM-GBSA calculation using AmberTools is available under /Dropbox/PMC-AT PLIN/Drug_Discovery/Computational Drug_Discovery at PMC-AT.pptx
( accessible from the link https://www.dropbox.com/s/ojtsta238cqpzl4/Computational%20Drug%20Discovery%20at%20PMC-AT.pptx?dl=0 )
RC: Is the path to the aforementioned code listed there and has the code been placed in an appropriate directory on the newly configured cluster? Have the obsolete /home2 directories been cleaned up per my latest email.
PL(10/13): The perl scripts are available now under /home/app/bin. The Schrodinger's source file is available under /home/app/src. One question: should I install the software under /home/app and make it accessible to everyone or should I install it under /usr/src?

Schrodinger 2013 software configuration information:

The license server is currently installed on the following machine:
Hostname: slave003.pmcresearch.com
Type of Machine: x86_64 GNU/Linux
Directory of License server software (as of July 2013): /home/plin/Schrodinger2013
Current license file: /home/plin/Schrodinger2013/license

The current license file expires January 1, 2015

How to start/stop/restart the license server:
With a new/changed license file, or if the license server is having problems and needs to be rebooted:
$SCHRODINGER == schrodinger installation on license server, which currently is /home/plin/Schrodinger2013/
(export $SCHRODINGER=/home/plin/Schrodinger2013/ if not previously set.)
1. Stop the current license server, if it is running:
2. Replace the old license file with the new one:
mv $SCHRODINGER/license $SCHRODINGER/license.old.date
cp <newLicenseFile> $SCHRODINGER/license
3. Restart the license server daemon:
4. To check the status of the license:
AS(07/11): I got result using the command "export $SCHRODINGER=/home/plin/Schrodinger2013/"
-bash: export: `=/home/plin/Schrodinger2013/': not a valid identifier
Then I ran the command "export SCHRODINGER=/home/plin/Schrodinger2013/"
Then I ran "SCHRODINGER/licadmin STAT"
I got the result below
-bash: SCHRODINGER/licadmin: No such file or directory

MatLab is single user license and available for multiple computer.
Each new installation and activation requires obtaining new license file from the MathWorks' License Center with the following information: Operating System; Host ID; Login Name and Activation Label.